
Oil and gas environmental and operational services includes the evaluation and permitting of deep-injection water-disposal wells, the geochemical fingerprinting of hydrocarbon sources, and the assessment of potential water-quality changes associated with road traffic/maintenance, drilling, and hydraulic fracturing operations.

Services offered include:

  • Evaluation and permitting of deep-injection disposal wells
  • Assessment of potential water-quality changes associated with road traffic/maintenance, drilling, and hydraulic fracturing operations
  • Groundwater flow and chemical transport modeling, as well as multi-phase modeling (movement of separate-phase hydrocarbons in groundwater systems)
  • Unsaturated chemical transport modeling
  • Characterization of coal-bed methane discharge waters and prediction of impacts to soil and water resources
  • Reservoir-scale, wellbore-scale, and reservoir-fracturing analyses
  • Hydrocarbon source fingerprinting
  • Impacts of hydraulic fracturing on water quality
  • Expert witness, second opinion, and litigation support
Dernières Nouvelles
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  • Itasca International Inc. announces the Selection of its New CEO Itasca International Inc. announces the nomination of its new CEO ...
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Évènements à Venir
25 févr.
Débuter avec FLAC2D/FLAC3D
Cette formation est une introduction à la modélisation continue avec FLAC2D et FLAC3D. A la fin du cours, les participants maîtriseront... En savoir plus
11 mars
Getting Started with 3DEC
Objectifs de la formation :- Comprendre l'approche numérique 3DEC et les types de problèmes qu'elle peut résoudre- Manipuler l'interfac... En savoir plus
26 mars
Python in Itasca Software
Cette formation vous donnera toutes les clés pour être capable d’utiliser Python afin d'étendre les capacités de simulation des logicie... En savoir plus