Numerical Modeling of Mining Sequences and Seismicity (2012)
Mining-induced seismicity is one of the most serious rock mechanics problems in sublevel caving in the LKAB mine in Kiruna.

System Design of Underground Facility for Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage (2012)
The design of the final nuclear repository design has been initiated by SKB and as a first step the system design of the underground facility has been executed.

Long Term Cavern Stability of the SFR Facility (2012)
A numerical analysis was conducted to assess the long term stability of the rock caverns BMA and BLA for the final repository of low and middle level nuclear waste at the SFR facility in Forsmark, Sweden. The objective was to analyze if there exists a long term risk for an ongoing loosening of the rock mass up to the surface due to degradation and weathering of the rock mass adjacent to the walls of the rock caverns.

A new loading system to limit segregation of a limestone-coal mix loaded in a cylindrical hopper (2012)
SOLVAY S.A. wanted to characterize the potential segregation of a mix of blocks (limestone + coal) charged into a cylindrical hopper. An intermediate loading structure between the conveyor and the hopper is added to limit segregation observed in a previous study.

Long-term interaction between liner and claystone around a storage cavern (2011)
Dans le cadre d’études de faisabilité sur le stockage de déchets radioactifs dans une couche d’argilite profonde, Itasca a été chargé d’évaluer l’endommagement potentiel de l’argilite autour d’une galerie, et ses conséquences.

Modelling of the excavation of two intersecting tunnels (2011)
In the framework of the extension of the Meuse/Haute‐Marne Underground Research Laboratory (France), Itasca Consultants SAS was commissioned by EIFFAGE to verify the tunnel stability and the design of the support structures installed during the excavation of two intersecting tunnels (Figure 1).In the framework of the extension of the Meuse/Haute‐Marne Underground Research Laboratory (France), Itasca Consultants SAS was commissioned by EIFFAGE to verify the tunnel stability and the design of the support structures installed during the excavation of two intersecting tunnels (Figure 1).

Discrete modelling of fibrous structure from 3D tomography images and fiber segmentation process (2011)
Lafarge Center of Research is interested in analysing the microstructure of a fibrous media and its consequence on the resulting macroscopic behavior, for optimization purposes.

Jet Grouting Wall with Anchors (2011)
Keller Group constructed a 13 m deep underground parking lot. After many trials utilizing concrete diaphragm panels for ground support, this approach was found to be impractical. This was mainly due to the high aggregate-size variability of the morainic deposit (unconsolidated glacial debris) at the site. In such complex geotechnical situations jet grouting offers a valid alternative to traditional support systems.

Size-distribution analysis of potentially formed blocks during the primary fragmentation of a fractured rock (2011)
La fragmentation primaire qui s’opère in‐situ lors de l’exploitation d’un filon (souvent par des méthodes dites de foudroyage) dépend largement des fractures préexistantes.

Observational Method for Deep Excavation (2010)
The Observational Method (OM) is a standard practice to support/guide design of infrastructure in sensitive environments, in particular for large excavations in urban areas. The example presented here is one of several cases from the construction of a recent subway line in Rome.

Depressurizing an Underground Ore Body at the McArthur River Mine in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada (2008)
Pre‐mining depressurizing of a deep ore body at the McArthur River mine, the largest single producer of uranium in the world, was considered to decrease the risk associated with mining and increase the ground stability and the amount of ore that could be extracted. The challenge was to depressurize the high‐grade ore bodies without propagating a significant amount of drawdown to the surface where impacts on surface‐water resources and the associated aquatic habitat would be significant environmental issues. The objective was to evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of depressurizing the ore body.
Modélisation de la fondation du barrage de Yaté en prenant en compte le fluage dans les fractures ()
Le barrage de Yaté présente depuis sa mise en eau en 1958 de faibles déplacements qui ne sont pas encore stabilisés (environ 1 mm en 10 ans). La fondation du barrage est constituée de péridotite. Elle est caractérisée par une altération hydrothermale et un réseau de fractures, avec des interfaces de qualité médiocre.

Mechanical behavior of CBF-K canisters stored at CSA under internal gas pressure ()
Dans le cadre d’une actualisation des spécifications d’acceptation des déchets métalliques réactifs dans les ouvrages de stockage de déchets radioactifs de faible et moyenne activité à vie courte au Centre de Stockage de l’Aube (CSA, France), Itasca, en groupement avec EGIS, a évalué le comportement mécanique des ouvrages gravillonnés (OG) [1] et bétonnés (OB), destinés à recevoir les colis d’enveloppe béton - qualifiés de « durables » ou d’enveloppe métallique - qualifiés de « périssables ».