490 |
Nov 17, 2023 |
- Fixed a bug in the 2-phase flow vectors plotting for axisymmetic mode.
- Minor update to the NorSand model.
- Added option to update the applied pressures from water table along the boundaries in FLAC/SLOPE.
489 |
Feb 10, 2023 |
- Fixed a bug in history saturation command.
- Minor update in the Weblicense setting dialog.
- Updated the Save dialog. for Extrude tool.
- Fixed a bug in automatic refresh plot(plot should not be updated for solve elastic).
488 |
Jan 20, 2023 |
- Updated Export Sketch for FLAC2D in Build->Virtual->Export.
487 |
Dec 12, 2022 |
- Fixed a delay issue related to the web licenses.
- Fixed a bug in table plot (table ID not shown properly).
- Updated manual.
486 |
Dec 6, 2022 |
- Implemented new Lode angle interpolation function in the NorSand model.
485 |
Oct 26, 2022 |
- Fixed instability issue in the NorSand model introduced from the last update.
- Added FLAC2D extrusion option in Utility->Extrude.
484 |
Apr 20, 2022 |
- Made some updates to the NorSand model.
- Minor updates in GUI.
483 |
Nov 23, 2021 |
- Fixed a cycling issue related to the network/web licenses.
482 |
Nov 16, 2021 |
- Added tolerance on free field boundaries in GUI->In Situ->Apply.
- Added option for orginal grid plot in GUI.
481 |
Sep 28, 2021 |
- Fixed a bug in the volume strain used for porosity and permeability lookup tables.
480 |
Sep 17, 2021 |
- Added support for the new web license system.
- Updated some fish functions in the fish library.
- Fxied an issue with 'nmregion' in the SHAPE tool.
- Added option to turn off applied load from water table along boundaries in Settings->GW->Properties tab.
- Added web license settings in GUI.
479 |
May 19, 2021 |
- Implemented getDensity() function to return zone density for UDM.
- Minor unpdates in GUI.
- Remove parameter 'ind_soft' from the NorSand model.
- Fixed an issue in the Copy Application Data dialog in FLAC/SLOPE.
- Increased tolerance for the layers tables in FLAC/SLOPE.
478 |
Feb 18, 2021 |
- Fixed a contour plot issue for model properties.
- Moved 'fmodulus in GUI from Info->zones category to Info->GPs.
- Fixed a bug in the fastwb logic with attached gridpoints.
- Changed property name 'pc' to 'pcurrent' in the softsoil and SSC models.
477 |
Dec 17, 2020 |
- Fixed a bug in PH model with small strain stiffness and changed property names 'bulk' and 'shear' to 'bulk_current' and 'shear_current'.
- Minor update in the modified Hoek-Brown material dialog in FLAC/SLOPE.
476 |
Oct 14, 2020 |
- Added gridpoint intrinsic fish function 'fcont()' for exporting factor of safety values from FoS contouring.
- Updated fish.xml file.
475 |
Oct 2, 2020 |
- Fixed a color issue in FOS plot window for apply and velocity vectors plots.
- Fixed an error in the free field logic with attached gridpoints.
- Updated warning message associated with memory settings.
- Fixed an unknown format issue in Sketch DXF import window.
- Minor update to table fomat from table write command.
- Updated error message related to attached gridpoints when ffield is applied.
474 |
Aug 17, 2020 |
- Fixed an error in the initial dy_damp hyst command(introduced from the last update).
473 |
Jul 27, 2020 |
- Added an optional keyword 'modfacmin' to specify a minimum value for modulus reduction factor of hysteretic damping(Syntax: INITIAL dy_damp hyst ... modfacmin xxx, by default, 1.0e-3),keyword must be given after hysteresis model.
- Fixed a format issue in the manual.
472 |
Jul 6, 2020 |
- Fixed a restore issue for the NorSand model, which was introduced in the last update.
- Changed property names 'bulk' and 'shear' to 'bulk_current' and 'shear_current'in the NorSand model.
471 |
Jun 10, 2020 |
- Added an optional keyword 'id' to the history command (Syntax: History ID xxx ), xxx can be a fish variable or integer for history id.
- Fixed a bug in the tension region contour plot.
- Added an example in the fish library showing how to apply a force or velocity history on a struct node(Fish\3-Library\StrucDyn).
- Made some optimizations to the NorSand model.
- Updated manual.
470 |
Apr 13, 2020 |
- Updated status message for selecting geometry lines in Geometry Builder.
- Increased filename length limit from 32 to 200 for fish intrinsic function open().
- Changed property name 'hy' to 'h_y' in the NorSand model to avoid conflict.
- Updated EULA.
469 |
Mar 26, 2020 |
- Fixed a bug in Geometry Builder when importing *slp file created from FLAC/Slope.
- Added warning message when the material database is not found.
- Minor updates in the manual.
468 |
Feb 13, 2020 |
- Fixed a crash issue when a *sav file with too long name is restored.
- Fixed a bug in 'angle_psr' plot in the Norsand model.
- Fixed an issue in exporting data from a profile plot.
467 |
Jan 17, 2020 |
- Updated datafile for a thermal example (th_07.dat).
- Minor fix in GUI.
466 |
Dec 17, 2019 |
- Fixed a bug in FOS contouring.
465 |
Dec 6, 2019 |
- Fixed a bug in fish function IN().
464 |
Oct 31, 2019 |
- FLAC 8.1 release.
- Updated manual.
463 |
Oct 2, 2019 |
- Fixed color mismatch issue in plots.
- Fixed a build/rebuild issue in GUI(reading command lines to the record pane slow).
- Added color options in GUI for marked GPs,zone number,grid number and fixed GPs plots.
462 |
Sep 12, 2019 |
- Fixed a bug in initial pp command when using with 'region' keyword.
- Updated default values for some properties in PH model.
461 |
Aug 22, 2019 |
- Fixed an issue with Step number in the plot window (Step number not updating when pressing refresh plot in the cycling window.
- Fixed a bug in the history plot (not updating when pressing refresh plot button).
460 |
Aug 14, 2019 |
- Fixed a bug in the cycling dialog.(Stop button not working).
- Added datafiles for new constitutive models(\Datafiles810).
- Fixed a crash issue when using print info output command.
459 |
Jul 26, 2019 |
- Added notes to show NorSand inputs (sxx_ini, syy_ini, szz_ini) are effective initial stresses.
- Fixed a bug in xydisp contour plot.
- Fixed a bug in cppudm flag for NornSand model.
- Fixed a save/restore issue for NorSand state variables.
458 |
May 24, 2019 |
- Updated some property names for NorSand to avoid conflict.
- Changed GUI jar file name from giic80 to giic81.
- Removed NorSand and Soft-soil from the C++ dll category (GUI).
457 |
May 7, 2019 |
- Added what is new in FLAC 8.1 document to the HELP menu.
- Fixed a bug in NorSand model.
456 |
May 3, 2019 |