Meshing Solutions in 3DEC

Meshing Solutions in 3DEC

The webinar presents new tools available in 3DEC 7.0 to simplify and speed-up model construction.
This includes: building block models directly from arbitrary geometry data (imported from CAD), creating a grid that conforms to a topographic surface, an advanced meshing generator which provides greater control on the size of meshes at specific points and surfaces and allows mesh gradation within blocks, the capability to generate Voronoi blocks and many more features. The webinar will provide examples of applications and guidance on what meshing solution to choose depending on your problem.

Presented by
Dr. Rima Ghazal

Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Itasca Consultants S.A.S.


22 juin 2021

Language: Anglais

Domaines d'activité:

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