Pseudo-static behavior of rockfill dams with a dry-stone pitching: A mixed FEM-DEM approach

Pseudo-static behavior of rockfill dams with a dry-stone pitching: A mixed FEM-DEM approach

The webinar presents the validation of the mixed continuum-discrete FEM-DEM approach. It is done by modeling, using FLAC3D and PFC3D ITASCA software, pseudo-static experiments carried out on scaled-down rockfill dams with dry-stone pitching.

A numerical model of a full-scale dam is then built using this validated approach. The construction phases and reservoir filling processes are modeled. Then, the dam seismic resistance is evaluated by performing pseudo-static tests provided by tilting the dam until failure.

Presenter: Mr. Ali Haidar

Ali finished his Master in Civil Engineering at the Lebanese University, Faculty of Engineering in Beirut, Lebanon. Then, he pursued his Master 2 in “Hydraulics and Civil Engineering” at Grenoble INP-ense3 in Grenoble, France in which he did his Master's internship at INRAE in Aix-enProvence, France. He joined ITASCA as a Junior Researcher Civil Engineer to start his Ph.D. in Collaboration with “Ecole Centrale de Lyon” and “Electricité de France”. His work will focus on the Seismic behavior of rockfill dams with a dry stone rip-rap. He will use mixed DEM-FEM numerical modeling by coupling between ITASCA Softwares: PFC3D and FLAC3D.


28 oct. 2022

Language: Anglais

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