What's New in ITASCA Software v9.3

What's New in ITASCA Software v9.3

This webinar showcased the latest updates in ITASCA Software v9.3. This session was presented by Dr. Andrey Pyatigorets (Senior Software Engineer) and Dr. Jim Hazzard (Software Manager).

🔍New features in ITASCA Software v9.3 include:

  • New in Sketch:
    • 2D Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) wizard
    • 2D Voronoi wizard
    • Generate 2D topography from a Table (x, y coordinates)
    • Create points and edges from a Table in Sketch
  • Added bar chart plot-item for 1D structural elements in FLAC3D and 3DEC
  • Added a progress bar for joint plotting in 3DEC
  • New Rapid Tool for Cable Bolt Pullout Calibration
  • Rock Slope Rapid Tool now exports a FISH version of data file and 3D FISH and Python files if running FLAC3D
  • New command to import Hybrid Bolt structural elements from geometry files (DXF, STL, and GEOM)
  • New 3DEC Velocity Weakening joint contact model
  • New FLAC2D Examples:
    • Anchored Excavation Wall
    • Rainfall on a Slope
    • Jointed Slope

14 janv. 2025
10 am - 11 am CT (UTC-06:00)

Language: Anglais

Logiciels: Domaines d'activité:

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