BlockRanger Downloads

Download Recent Update

Latest Version: 1.00.5 (Description)
Released On: lundi, juil. 23, 2018

To install or update the latest version of BlockRanger, please download and apply the Griddle installer.

Griddle 1.0 64-bit Update

Software Update Revisions

Revision Date Description
5 juil. 23, 2018
  • Security libraries have been updated to work with Windows 10 Version 1803.
2 mars 7, 2018
  • Griddle and BlockRanger plug-ins for Rhino 6 were added to the installer. This installer contains Griddle and BlockRanger plug-ins for Rhino 5 and Rhino 6.
1 avr. 3, 2017
  • Traces of problem areas found by the Griddle volume mesher are outlined graphically and placed in their own layer.
  • Intersecting faces can now easily be located using a new option of the Griddle mesh intersector. Intersections are shown graphically instead of relying on Rhino’s mesh repair report which only indicates the total number of intersections that have been found.
  • Extraction of intersecting meshes is now much easier with Griddle's non-manifold extract plugin.
  • Griddle and BlockRanger now have a file Save As dialog instead of a fixed output file name.
Software Downloads

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