Dynamic Option

The dynamic analysis option permits two-dimensional, fully dynamic analysis with FLAC2D. User-specified acceleration, velocity, or stress waves can be input directly to the model either as an exterior boundary condition or an interior excitation to the model. FLAC2D contains absorbing and free-field boundary conditions to simulate the effect of an infinite elastic medium surrounding the model.

This option can be coupled to the structural element model, thus permitting analysis of soil-structure interaction brought about by ground shaking. The dynamic feature can also be coupled to the groundwater flow model. This allows, for example, analyses involving time-dependent pore pressure change associated with liquefaction. The dynamic model can likewise be coupled to the optional thermal model in order to calculate the combined effect of thermal and dynamic loading. The dynamic option extends FLAC2D's analysis capability to a wide range of dynamic problems in disciplines such as earthquake engineering, seismology, and mine rockbursts.


Dernières Nouvelles
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  • 6th Itasca Symposium on Applied Numerical Modeling The next Itasca Symposium will take place June 3 - 6, 2024, in Toronto, Canada....
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  • Itasca International Inc. announces the Selection of its New CEO Itasca International Inc. announces the nomination of its new CEO ...
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Évènements à Venir
25 févr.
Débuter avec FLAC2D/FLAC3D
Cette formation est une introduction à la modélisation continue avec FLAC2D et FLAC3D. A la fin du cours, les participants maîtriseront... En savoir plus
11 mars
Getting Started with 3DEC
Objectifs de la formation :- Comprendre l'approche numérique 3DEC et les types de problèmes qu'elle peut résoudre- Manipuler l'interfac... En savoir plus
26 mars
Python in Itasca Software
Cette formation vous donnera toutes les clés pour être capable d’utiliser Python afin d'étendre les capacités de simulation des logicie... En savoir plus