
While most common operations can be executed through the use of commands, scripting is a vital aspect of the program, allowing users to perform problem-specific operations. 3DEC provides scripting capabilities via both the FISH the Python languages.

FISH is an embedded programming language specific to Itasca software that has been designed for use by non-programmers. FISH has been augmented through the years, yielding a mature and useful tool for undertaking custom scripting in Itasca software. With FISH, users can access model data at any time during the modeling sequence.

Python is an open-source, object-oriented, interpreted, and interactive high-level programming language. This program includes a scientific Python distribution that has been extended to allow one to access program model data from Python. In addition, the IPython console has been embedded in the user interface to provide an interactive python console.

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Évènements à Venir
11 mars
Getting Started with 3DEC
Objectifs de la formation :- Comprendre l'approche numérique 3DEC et les types de problèmes qu'elle peut résoudre- Manipuler l'interfac... En savoir plus
26 mars
Python in Itasca Software
Cette formation vous donnera toutes les clés pour être capable d’utiliser Python afin d'étendre les capacités de simulation des logicie... En savoir plus