MINEDW Tutorial (Part 1: Menu Options)

In this tutorial we will briefly cover the MINEDW user interface, its components, and the MINEDW Menu with the different options and tools it provides to build numerical models.

FLAC3D 7 0 Cutting Tool Tutorial

This tutorial will show how to use the Plot Item Cutting Tool in FLAC3D 7. Creating cut plans is useful for seeing inside 3D model plots. FLAC3D cutting planes include a single-surface plane, a double-surface wedge, and a three-surface octant.

An Introduction to Python Scripting: Part 1

Introduction to Python scripting by reviewing key concepts and through demonstrations. Part 1 focuses on installing Python, variables and types, conditions and loops, and functions.

Connectivity, permeability, and channeling in randomly distributed and kinematically defined discrete fracture network models

A major use of DFN models for industrial applications is to evaluate permeability and flow structure in hardrock aquifers from geological observations of fracture networks. The relationship between the statistical fracture density distributions and permeability has been extensively studied, but there has been little interest in the spatial structure of DFN models, which is generally assumed to be spatially random (i.e., Poisson). In this paper, we compare the predictions of Poisson DFNs to new DFN models where fractures result from a growth process defined by simplified kinematic rules for nucleation, growth, and fracture arrest.

A Calibrated Predictive Geochemical Model of Leaching and Attenuation Reactions in a Mine Pit Lake

A geochemical model was developed to predict future water quality of the Cove pit lake in support of site closure and regulatory permitting.

Simulation of Three-Dimensional Pore-Pressure Distribution for Slope-Stability Analysis

A 3D groundwater flow model was constructed using MINEDW [1] to simulate pore pressure at the Chuquicamata open pit mine slope in Chile.

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