This training supplies the tools needed to describe and apply the workflow for dynamic analysis in FLAC3D, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of each step involved, including model setup, boundary conditions, input signal application, and damping, to effectively analyze dynamic behavior in geotechnical simulations.
Latest Version: 8.10.471 (Description) Released On: 星期二, 4月 6, 2021
Download the appropriate update file to a convenient location on your hard drive and double-click on the installation (*.msi) file.
FLAC/Slope 8.10.467 (and greater) is now freeware and is available at no cost. Hard-lock, network, or web licenses are not required to operate this full feature, non-restricted version of the software. Download and install the latest associated version of FLAC and FLAC/Slope will be installed; FLAC can also be run in demo mode. However, free technical support is no longer provided to the freeware version. We encourage you to report any suspected bugs and paid technical support is always available.
If you have purchased FLAC/Slope 8.10, or an earlier version, please continue to update FLAC/Slope as before by downloading the latest associated version of FLAC. Not all updates will impact FLAC/Slope but it is still recommend to use the latest version of FLAC.