This training supplies the tools needed to describe and apply the workflow for dynamic analysis in FLAC3D, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of each step involved, including model setup, boundary conditions, input signal application, and damping, to effectively analyze dynamic behavior in geotechnical simulations.
Built-in automatic block generation commands to create bricks (left) and asymmetric Voronoi blocks (default Voronoi with 1:1 ratio, top right, compared to asymmetric Voronoi at a 1:3 ratio, bottom right).
The geometry logic allows the user to create, import, and export geometric data. These data can be used to interact with the model in a variety of ways. The data can be used as a filter with the range logic, and as a visualization aid with plotting. FISH extra variables and group names may be assigned to geometric data. FISH may be used to create and manipulate the data. The geometric data are organized into geometric sets, which are named collections of nodes, edges, and polygons. The geometry import command is used to import geometric data from a file that can be of type STL, DXF, or the Itasca geometry format.
Using the Geometry logic, you can now import and use DXF files for UDEC model construction with automatic conversion of geometry into crack commands. DXFs are required to be watertight and of good quality. Some interactive DXF clean-up tools are available in the GIIC. You can see the workflow in the following diagram.
In addition to improved visualization (GUI) for structural elements, a rock support database, including fully grouted bolts, end-anchor bolts, Swellex bolts, and split-set bolts (GIIC) is included. More examples for replicating manufacturer pull-test results have also been included (GUI/GIIC) to aid with model calibration.